Greens Want None of the Above Energy Policy
The left-wing environmentalist greens really want a ‘none
of the above’ energy policy. The greens
are clearly and vehemently opposed to conventional sources of energy that have
not only been proven to work, but provide over 90% of our needed energy. Driven by their now proven fraudulent “Global Cooling,” “the Next Ice Age is
Coming,” “Global Warming” or “Climate Change” claims, the greens not only want
to attack and destroy coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear sources of energy, they
are now suing to stop all allegedly “clean” sources of energy. The examples abound.
In one example, the Portland Audubon Society and
Oregon Natural Desert Association are suing to stop a wind farm on Oregon ’s Steen’s
Mountain, claiming the project will threaten eagles, big horn sheep and sage
grouse. They consider the project to be
an irresponsible renewable energy development. “Environmentalists Fight Solar, Wind,
Renewable Energy,” Investor’s Business Daily, 8/10/12, p. 1. Environmentalists sued a 100-turbine wind
project in Kern County , California ,
claiming it would endanger golden eagles, condors, and other birds. In remote Valley County , Montana ,
near the Canadian border, environmentalists succeeded in blocking a 500-megawatt
wind project. Id.
The greens hate coal plants, are hostile to oil
refineries and protest against nuclear power plants, but, when it comes to the
very type of alternative energy that they claim they are for and that they
claim we must have to “save the planet” and keep the “oceans from rising,” they
sue to stop it. Remember that Ted
Kennedy, the environmentalists’ poster child, used his weighty power to fight a
wind farm in Nantucket Sound, near the Kennedy compound.
Another environmentalist group sued to save the
allegedly endangered blunt- nose lizard and the kangaroo rat from a 3,200 acre,
399-megawatt solar power plant in California ’s
Panoche Valley .
The group claimed it was not a proper site. The Sierra Club, Defenders of Wildlife and
Natural Resources Defense Council sued to stop the 4,600-acre Calico solar
plant in Pisgah Valley
near L.A. ,
claiming it was “one of the most ecologically damaging renewable energy
projects in the state.” Id. The environmentalists are not only hostile to
all forms of conventional energy, they also have allegedly “valid reasons” why
all alternative energy is bad. If one is
going to build a solar plant, logically it should be built where there is
plenty of sunshine, such as a desert.
However, environmental groups alleged that solar plants, such as the Panoche Valley
and Pisgah Valley plants, can disrupt desert
ecosystems. The greens have also sued in
Nevada , West Virginia ,
Maryland , Vermont ,
Southern California and elsewhere. Id.
In theory, a wind farm should be built where the
wind blows a lot, but the Audubon Society says that’s where the endangered
birds fly. Environmentalists claim that
biomass plants emit pollutants, hydroelectric dams disrupt fish migrations and
spawning, and transmission lines needed to carry alternative energy from where
it can be produced to where it is needed give off dangerous electromagnetic
energy. The Center for Biological Diversity has even tried to stop the EPA from
issuing an exemption to biomass plants from the EPA regulation on greenhouse
gas emissions. Id.
The bottom line is the greens have gone to the legislatures to have the
legislatures mandate alternative green energy, but if anyone tries to produce
it, the environmentalists will sue to stop the production of the alternative energy.
The U.
S. Chamber of Commerce, in its appropriately
name “Project No Project” report, found 140 renewable projects that were
delayed or killed by fierce environmental groups’ opposition. The Chamber’s report found 10 transmission
projects, designed to bring solar and wind power to where it is needed, that were
challenged by the greens, including killing the Green Path North Transmission
Line, which was designed to carry “green” power to L.A. The Policy Review journal found
that every one of the solar, wind and geothermal projects in the desert
Southwest met with opposition from environmental groups. Wind and solar projects use too much
land. Offshore wind projects not only
use up large areas of otherwise navigable water and kill birds, they are also
the most expensive form of electric generation by the Department of Energy’s
own estimates. The Energy Information
Administration, an arm of the DOE, found that offshore wind generation costs
$330.6/mwh verses $86.6/mwh from natural gas or almost four times as much.
For a while, Greens had supported natural gas as
what they called a “bridge fuel.” But
once completely safe fracking techniques,
that had been used for over 70 years, were combined with horizontal and
diagonal drilling to make shale oil and gas commercially viable, the greens
started a fraudulent and hysterical attack on the very safe, long standing use
of fracking. The environmentalists saw
the reduction of natural gas prices caused by combining horizontal drilling and
fracking as an existential threat to their green agenda.
Clearly, the environmentalists only want A NONE OF THE ABOVE, NONE OF THE BELOW
ENERGY POLICY. They want us all
to live life without power. You might
say they want us to return to wood for energy.
But many areas already have restrictions on burning wood. Who does the environmentalist fight against
all forms of energy policy help? Clearly
their policies do not help Americans.
But their policies do help Vladimir Putin’s Russia, Hugo Chavez’ Venezuela
and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s Iran by driving up the price of oil and natural gas
that their economies produce, depend on and export. We could have wonderfully low energy prices
here that would foster prosperity – we have abundant oil, natural gas and coal
and, if environmentalists and Federal and local governments stopped attacking
all three, we could become the “Saudi Arabia” of oil, natural gas and coal. But by following the playbook of the U.N.’s Agenda
21, the greens are aiming to reduce the American way of life to a memory.
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